Annual Parish Meeting 2016
Lyn Community Development Trust
incorporating Lyn & Exmoor Vision
Market Hall
This year has seen many changes in the Market Hall, firstly with the arrival of “Bowden Fitness” and now with the alterations to the kitchen area to make way for Dale Bowen to rent as an art studio. This means the reception area will be altered to allow Market Hall users to have access to drinks and a rest area. The gym will be enclosed to diminish any noise and the whole building will have a general overhaul with the replacement of some windows and re-plastering of outside walls. This re-plastering will mean the loss of the Mick Cawston mural which I am afraid we are unable to avoid, we have sought advice from different specialists but none have been able to offer a solution. Following discussions with Dale Bowen I am hopeful we shall come up with some way of having a lasting memorial to Mick Cawston on that wall.
The Library has also seen many changes with the retirement of Mervyn Mugford and the arrival of Emily Morgan-Russell our new librarian. Gradually the responsibilities for library services are being taken over by a charitable trust and we shall all try and work together to ensure the future of Lynton Library. The friends of Lynton Library are working to make sure the library space is fully utilised and now the area is used for many varied activities. It is hoped that, with the help of volunteers, the library hours may be extended.
Middleham Gardens
The Lyn Art and Crafts Society’s very generous donation of £1,000 per year towards the maintenance of the gardens has enabled the Trust to keep them up to a good standard. There have been many compliments about the gardens during this last summer. This spring it will be necessary to assess the benches and picnic tables and decide what extra work needs to be carried out on them and whether the upper reaches of the gardens need tending.
Walkers are Welcome
The Walkers are Welcome network grows and spreads throughout the country and is now reaching out far and wide and even linking with a similar association in Japan. Our local network leaders have visited us this year and as members we are supported with all the other members throughout the United Kingdom. The LCDT walkers are welcome website offers a multitude of walks, attractions, accommodation and information about Exmoor. It is well used and provides our walking visitors with countless ideas of how to make the most of this beautiful area.
The Coleridge Way has had another successful season with many walkers registering their achievement at the ENPA centre in the pavilion. The steering group are beginning to organise a Business Event for 16th June in the Moorland Hall at Wheddon Cross. This will bring businesses together for discussion and talks on how best to promote the walk and help businesses to benefit from the added trade this should bring. I do encourage all accommodation providers and catering businesses to attend this event.
The next big day for LCDT will be the unveiling of the “Wire Man” on Lynmouth Esplanade announcing the start or finish of the Coleridge Way and the convergence of the South West Coast Path, Two Moors Way, Samaritans Way and the Tarka Trail! This sculpture has been commissioned and funded by the Trust and also by Andrea Davis DCC, ENPA, LLTC, Lyn Art and Crafts and the Cliff Railway. The work has been taken on by local engineer Richard Graham.
LCDT Website
The Trust has commissioned a new website which is now under construction. We are well aware this is very overdue and we look forward to having an active and informative website in the near future.
Accountable Body
The Trust still acts as the accountable body for various local projects and small associations. This year we have helped the Friends of Lynton Library and 1st Lynton Scout Group. We are also holding money for the Lynmouth Dog Show.
West Lyn Hydro Project
As already reported the Trust entered into a partnership with Andrew Ireland, managing director of the Cliff Railway, to progress a community hydro project on the West Lyn. Unfortunately we were competing with another far bigger hydro scheme led by Matthew Oxenham and we had to concede. This is a great disappointment as there is no community element in the bigger scheme.
Lyn Economic and Tourism Alliance (A town council promotional committee)
(Active members: LLTC, ENPA, L&B Railway, L&L Cliff Railway, Lynton Museum, TIC, LCDT, representatives of retailers, accommodation providers and caterers)
The Trusts promotional activities as a member on this committee have proved most productive. The partnerships involved have produced new car park maps, promotional leaflets, local activities and entertainment for our visitors. It acts as a very helpful spring board for the Trust’s projects. Recently awarded Coastal Communities Team status the grant of £10,000 has been used to write an Economic Plan for Lynton and Lynmouth, fund a very successful business brunch and promote the area through Exmoor Tourism.
Suzette Hibbert (Chairman)